
CBD Plus Herbal Energy Infusion

by in CBD News April 2, 2020
What is in our CBD Plus Energy Blend formula?

Ginkgo Health Benefits 

Research has suggested that the supplements in Ginkgo have several health benefits. Powerful Antioxidants in the ginkgo leaf may help to neutralize or combat the damaging effects of free radicals. Ginkgo has also been shown to fight inflammation in both human and animal cells. Ginkgo seeds may also improve circulation and heart health by increasing blood flow to different parts of the body. One study showed an immediate increase in blood flow to various parts of the body in people with heart disease. Similarly, another study showed older adults had the same effect when supplementing ginkgo. This increased blood flow was attributed to a 12% increase in a compound that is responsible for dilating blood vessels, called nitric oxide. Other studies have suggested ginkgo may reduce symptoms of psychiatric disorders and dementia, improve brain function and well-being, reduce anxiety, help treat depression, support vision and eye health, treat headaches and migraines, and improve asthma and COPD symptoms.

Yerba Mate Loose Leaf Benefits

Mate leaf has been used for thousands of years and is believed to have the power to unite and energize. It is also rich in antioxidants and nutrients, which may protect your body from infections, improve your mental focus and boost your energy level.

Guarana Seed Health Benefits

The Guarana seed is a herbal formula that may enhance your athletic performance and reduce your mental and physical fatigue. Some people use it for weight loss, to lower blood pressure and to help with extreme exhaustion from stress.

Health Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea has been said to have several health benefits and recent studies have shown that is can potentially have certain positive effects on weight loss, Alzheimer’s disease and type 2 diabetes.

Health Benefits of Gotu Kola Herb

Gotu Kola herb is known as the “herb of longevity”. Traditional Chinese medicine believed it had the power to boost brainpower, promote liver and kidney health and heal skin issues. One study found gotu kola to have anti-anxiety effects on animals. However, to confirm these findings, more research is needed.

Hawthorn Berry Leaf and Flower Benefits

Hawthorn leafs are used in medicine to treat heart and blood vessel diseases such as congestive heart failure, irregular heartbeat, chest pain, high and low blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Known to have positive effects on the digestive system, Hawthorn can also reduce indigestion and stomach pain.

In conclusion, the wide range of health benefits and wellness are incredible. The combination of CBD and our herbal formula in our CBD Plus Energy Blend has everything you need to bring your body into balance. It may help you concentrate, deal with stress, ease depression and anxiety and just feel better.

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