
Will CBD benefit my horse?

by in Pets Health November 18, 2019

CBD For Horses

Many of my friends have horses. I know the effects that CBD has on small pets such as dogs and cats.  I was curious how CBD could help larger animals for example horses. Just like humans horses also have the Endocannabinoid System.  With Utoya CBD products designed specifically for horses can help them improve their quality of life. CBD when administered to horses with herd-bound issues, sore muscles, anxiety and chronic illness, it supports the Endocannabinoid System with many profound benefits. Horses are herd animals and they experience separation anxiety if they spend too much time alone. CBD can help alleviate these feelings of loneliness and anxiety. Some friends have racehorses, rodeo horses and those that compete in equestrian.  Many of these horses exhibit anxiety in the arena or when traveling in a trailer. You may give the horse CBD before any event, because CBD is not psychoactive, therefore your horse won’t feel drowsy and will still perform to his fullest potential.

Does CBD Help With Inflammation?

Many conditions, such as arthritis and sore muscles, are caused by inflammation. In fact, inflammation is often the root cause of many conditions. CBD is known to work on.

CBD For Arthritis 

Arthritis is one of the most common health problems affecting horses. It’s caused by chronic inflammation, leading to the break-down of the cartilage surrounding horses’ joints. Arthritis is very painful and can have an adverse effect on your horse’s quality of life. While arthritis is a permanent condition, CBD oil may help ease the pain and assist mobility in horses that have arthritis. Pharmaceutical pain medications administered by your veterinarian can have many adverse side effects, including addiction. Fortunately, CBD products can significantly relieve pain in horses. Best of all, studies show that CBD is non-addictive and has little to no adverse side effects. Reducing inflammation is very important, not only to relieve existing equine conditions, but to prevent the development of new maladies that could affect the wellbeing of your horse.

CBD For Gastric Ulcers In Horses

Gastric Ulcers Surprisingly, up to 91% of adult horses will develop some type of gastric ulcer disease during their lifetime. These ulcers can be extremely painful, affecting your horse’s appetite as well as their behavior and overall demeanor. CBD can ease the pain, as well as boost their appetite. CBD can profoundly affect the wellbeing of a horse with painful gastric ulcer syndrom

Is CBD Good For The Heart Disease In Horses? 

Cardiovascular Health Horses can suffer from heart disease and high blood pressure, heart disease, and can even die from a heart attack. This is why it’s essential to take care of your horse’s cardiovascular health. Using CBD oils designed for equine use could play a positive role in your horse’s heart health. Studies suggest that CBD supports healthy blood vessels while promoting a regular heartbeat.

CBD For Skin Conditions in Horses

Allergies and Skin Conditions Horses can suffer from hives and pruritus, which can cause intense itching. These can appear as bumps and bald patches. CBD may be able to relieve these conditions.


CBD Products for Horses

While you could add CBD oil to your horse’s food or water, there are CBD hemp pellets made especially for horses. These are all-natural and safe to use. These are full-spectrum, and contain a wide range of non-psychoactive cannabinoids for an ‘entourage effect’; that means each cannabinoid compound complements each other, further boosting the positive effect on your horse’s well being.

Many studies have demonstrated that full spectrum CBD derived from hemp can help improve inflammation, arthritis, pain, anxiety and general good health. Likewise, CBD products have far fewer side-effects than many pharmaceutical drugs used to treat the same conditions. In conclusion, it’s clear that CBD products can be beneficial for horses suffering from a variety of ailments. From anxiety, arthritis, inflammation, and skin conditions these all-natural equine products are a safe alternative to pharmaceutical medications. CBD products are given according to your horse’s weight, so read the label and dose accordingly. Likewise, you can consult with a holistic veterinarian regarding CBD for your horse. These equine CBD products are available in many forms, including easy to use, tasty pellets, which horses enjoy.

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